Books Edited

Seeland, J., & Openo, J. (Eds.). (2024). Academic integrity and the role of the academic library: Institutional examples and promising practices. Springer. (Due out in late 2024, early 2025).

Books Authored

Conrad, D. & Openo, J. (2018). Assessment strategies for online learning: Engagement and Authenticity. Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.


Openo, J. (2021). Multiple realities: Professional development for online contingent faculty in Canadian strategy and practice [Doctoral dissertation, Athabasca University].

Book Chapters

Openo, J. (2023). Academic integrity and the affordances and limitations of authentic assessment. In S. E. Eaton & B. M. Stoesz (Eds.), Handbook of academic integrity: Academic integrity through ethical teaching and assessment (pp. 1-15). Springer.

Openo, J. (2020). The discourse of crisis in liberal education: Real emergency or fake news? In K. Dharamsi & D. Ohreen (Eds.), Between truth and falsity: Liberal education and the arts of discernment (pp. 47-70). Vernon Press.

Journal Articles

Flinn, C., & Openo, J. (2024). Are we asking too much of OER? A conversation on OER's next phase from OE Global 2023. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning.

Openo, J. (2024). The right relationship between teaching and educational technology: How Ursula Franklin’s technology as practice can guide SoTL. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Robinson, R. & Openo, J. (2021). The emotional labour of academic integrity: How does it feel? Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity.

Openo, J. (2020). Education’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic reveals online education’s three enduring challenges. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 46(2), 1-12.

Openo, J. (2020). Chaotic by design. Student reactions to a graduate-level leadership course designed with self-directed learning principles. Paper presented at World Conference on Online Learning. Dublin, (pp. 699-713).

Openo, J. (2019). Can (post-heroic) leadership be taught (online)? A library educator’s expansion of Baldwin, Ching, and Friesen’s Grounded Theory Model of Online Course Design and Development. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 60(4), 354-372.

Openo, J. (2019). The international dimension of academic integrity: An integrative literature review. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity , 2(2), 25-44.

Openo, J. (2018). Assessment blues: How authentic assessments saved my teaching soul. Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 3(2), 171-174.

Openo, J., Laverty, C., Kolomitro, K., Borin, P., Goff, L, Stranach, M., & Gomaa, N. (2017). Bridging the divide: Leveraging the scholarship of teaching and learning for quality. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(2).

Openo, J. (2016). Appreciative Inquiry as a tool for leadership and driving change in complex organizations such as libraries: A brief literature review and discussion. PNLA Quarterly, 80(2).

Openo, J. (2014). The provocative and profane: A librarian looks back over three decades of challenges. Freedom to Read Week.


Openo, J., Blair, M., Zanidean, A., & Robinson, R. (2023 February). The labour market skills gap in SE Alberta: A study to identify gaps between local business needs and the available skillset in the existing labour force. Medicine Hat College.

Openo, J. (2022). Final report of the Commonwealth of Learning’s Massive Open Online Course Authentic Assessment for Online Learning. Commonwealth of Learning.