

Always a student




Always a student


Jason Openo in a Socratic pose - Ireland 2020 - 1.jpg

Academic Leadership: I proudly serve as the dean of the School of Health & Community Services at Medicine Hat College. I have 25+ years of experience managing large teams, teaching leadership, and writing about my fascination with teaching and teaching. My blog tracks recent publications, talks, and academic activity (see About for a complete list of lectures and presentations).

Research and Scholarship: Along with Dianne Conrad, I co-authored Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity, published by Athabasca University Press in 2018. This work became an academic bestseller during the pandemic, and I remain interested in working with faculty from different disciplines to create better postsecondary assessments. (see Publications for a list of my other writings).

Current Projects: My research interests include teaching with technology, especially Ursula Franklin’s work on technology as practice. The impact of technology on teaching is also a big part of the book I just finished co-editing with a colleague entitled, Academic Integrity and the Role of the Academic Library: Institutional Examples and Promising Practices (available through Springer).

Service: I have served on the Advisory Board for Education and Outreach of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. I also provide strategic planning and visioning services to non-profits in SE Alberta. Past organizations I have worked with include Medicine Hat Community Housing Society and the Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society.


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This webpage is a personal portfolio of my academic leadership and scholarly activity.

Leadership is personal. I want my work to give thanks and praise to the Creator who endowed me with all of the undeserved fortune and opportunities I have been given and continue to receive.

Leadership is relational. We must take responsibility for the things we care about, and I care about my family, the community we live in, and the people I have the honour to work with.

Leadership is directional. Leadership implies direction, and while the way ahead is never perfectly clear, it is obvious that future challenges include reckoning with further developments in educational technology, including artificial intelligence, academic integrity, and the evolution of postsecondary assessments. Leadership also implies followership, and we must equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to make the never-ending journey of adaptive positioning, hence my ongoing interest in professional development and upskilling.


This webpage is a personal portfolio of my academic leadership and scholarly activity.

Leadership is personal. I want my work to give thanks and praise to the Creator who endowed me with all of the undeserved fortune and opportunities I have been given and continue to receive.

Leadership is relational. We must take responsibility for the things we care about, and I care about my family, the community we live in, and the people I have the honour to work with.

Leadership is directional. Leadership implies direction, and while the way ahead is never perfectly clear, it is obvious that future challenges include reckoning with further developments in educational technology, including artificial intelligence, academic integrity, and the evolution of postsecondary assessments. Leadership also implies followership, and we must equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to make the never-ending journey of adaptive positioning, hence my ongoing interest in professional development and upskilling.